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Lake Nakuru national park

Lake Nakuru national park is located in the central part of Kenya on the level of the Great Rift Valley within the northwestern direction from Nairobi. The national park is dominated by woodlands as well as grasslands which act as habitat for a number of wildlife species. The national park was gazetted in 1968 after the park was expanded and included the north savannah lands and thus having an area cover of 188km2. The national park is a home to the endangered Rothschild giraffes in 1977 when the giraffes were brought to nakuru for conservation and protection.


The national park is popular for the colonies of flamingos that live on the shores of the lake nakuru. The park is known to be a bird lover’s hub due to the variety of bird species that call the park home. The national park has over 400 bird species such as montane white-eye, red-capped lark, long-tailed widow bird and rufous-throated among others. It’s as well a home to animals such as 0ver 100 rhinos, endangered Rothschild giraffe and other 50 and more species such as impalas, lions, and waterbucks.

In 1980s the Rothschild giraffes and rhinos were introduced in the national park as to conserve the endangered rhinos and thus Lake Nakuru was designated as the first government protected rhino sanctuary in Kenya. Later in 1986 an electric fence was put to protect the rhinos from poachers and keep them within the bounds of the park and in 1987 Lake Nakuru Park was declared a rhino sanctuary. With the parks growth over the years it’s a perfect destination for a safari.



Nakuru national park gives an amazing game drive experiences within Kenya as it has demarcated trails that are used on game drives within the plains of the park. While on the game drives, you can spot animals such as white rhinos, leopards, giraffes, hippos, impalas, waterbucks, lions and many more. The game drives take place in different times of the day which gives a unique experience while on safaris destinations. The game drive are categorized such as the morning game drive, afternoon and evening game drive.


Lake Nakuru national park is known for being a bird’s haven as it is a home to over 450 bird species and while on a bird watching safari, a number of bird species are spotted within different birding spots around the park. Birds include; black-winged stilt, endangered Madagascar pond-heron, black-necked grebe, Jackson’s widow bird, bronze sunbird, grey wren-warbler, nyanza swift and D’arnaud’s barbet among others. The birds are spotted while on the boat cruise safari, nature walks and game drives within the national park.


This is another activity which takes place within the national park and its carried out in the view points around the national park.



Bird species within nakuru national park include both migrant and native bird species. These include; greater and lesser flamingos, goliath heron, hammer kops, eagles, white pelicans, black winged lapwings, crab plovers, grey crowned cranes, pied kingfishers, Hottentot teals and starlings among others. This makes it to be the best safari destination for bird watching.

Lake Nakuru national park
Lake Nakuru national park


These include Makalia waterfalls which is found in the southern part of the national park and its best for hikes as well as picnics as tourists can explore the amazing scenery and surroundings.


The national park has a number of wildlife species despite the park being smaller as compared to other national parks and reserves in Kenya. These include; white rhinos, black rhinos, leopards, lions, cheetahs, Rothschild giraffes among others. However there’s a sanctuary where some wildlife species such as giraffes and rhinos.


This is an amazing point where you spot many animals such elephants, rhinos and lions among others.


This is a popular viewpoint within Lake Nakuru national park which gives an amazing view of Lake Nakuru and its crowded by the baboons as they are looking for food and these can be seen while climbing the vehicles while on the game drives.

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