Uganda Safaris Gorillas

Tourist Attractions In Jinja

Tourist Attractions In Jinja : Jinja city is located in the eastern region of Uganda on the north shores of Lake Victoria next to the source of the White Nile. Jinja city is considered to be a tourism hub of Africa with a number of adventurous activities such as kayaking, watching games, bike riding, museum visit, water rafting, camping, tubing the Nile, Bungee jumping, water skiing and canoeing among others. Therefore the following are the attractions that are found in jinja;


The source of the Nile is located in jinja and is worthy a story to tell. Lake Victoria was first sighted by a European British explorer John Hannington Speke in 1858. The lake is the true source of the world’s longest river. While at the source of the Nile, you can spot wildlife species such as birds, insects, chameleons, fish and lizards among others. Tourists on their Uganda safari can as well have a boat cruise or ride on the Nile.


The Owen falls dam is a gateway to jinja town. The dam as well as the bujagali dams are the major source of electricity in Uganda. These two dams are worth a visit while in jinja on a Uganda safari.


For those that love bird watching, jinja is the best destination for all the birding activities while on as Uganda safari. There are a variety of bird species such as kingfisher, cormorant, rare shoebill and fish eagle that can be spotted among others.


The Nile has an amazing and thunderous waterfalls that offer views for the white water rafting activities. There are a variety of activities that range from grade 1 to grade 5 which are for adults and present far greater challenges along the Nile rapids.


The kyabazinga palace is among the major attractions in jinja city. It was the first palace and it was built in bugembe in 1963 and occupied by Kyabazinga William Wilberforce Nadiope Kadumbula. When the kingdoms were abolished in 1966, the palace was occupied by the army and was destroyed during the war in 1979 and reconstructed after the war ended. The palace that is in bugembe is located on the Igenge hill and it’s large with 40 spacious rooms, libraries and sitting rooms. The palace also has the offices of the prime minister the katwikiro.


Tourists can have a cultural tour within the surrounding villages in Mutai. Tourists can as well experience how people live within the villages, how they prepare their local meals and how they farm. They can as well stay with these families for a night, fetch water from the wells, bath in the basin and engage in farming activities and as well buy organic foods and fruits.


This is the main Hindu temple that is on the way to the show grounds from jinja town. This temple is an amazing monument that was constructed in dedication to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi whose ashes were poured in the Nile as per his death wish.


The rippon falls are among the major attractions in jinja and are found in the northern part of Lake Victoria in Uganda. The falls were discovered by an explorer named as John Hannington Speke in 1862. It’s from the falls that Nile leaves Lake Victoria as the Victoria Nile and flows 130 kilometers in the north into Lake Kyoga and continues to the Albert Nile. The rippon falls act as an outlet for Lake Victoria until the Owen falls dam was constructed and completed in 1954, however the construction of the dam led to the disappearance of the rippon falls. While at the falls tourists can participate in water sport activities such as kayaking and white water rafting.


These are found on the Victoria Nile within jinja town. The itanda falls replaced Bujagali falls as an alternative spot for most rafting activities. The falls are found about 27 kilometers from jinja town and it’s about 45 minutes’ drive. Activities at the falls include white water rafting, kayaking and river bugging among others.

Tourist Attractions In Jinja
Itanda Falls


There are quite number of the art and craft shops along the main streets and at the source of the Nile. Visitors are able to purchase purely African crafted materials that range from clothes, jewelry, music instruments, bags, wallets, curving and molds, paintings and antiques.

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