Uganda Safaris Gorillas

6 Amazing Waterfalls In Rwanda

6 Amazing Waterfalls In Rwanda : The country has over 350 waterfalls in Rwanda a country with an area cover of 12,000 square kilometers. Waterfalls are one of the natural wonders of the world and are valuable source of water that can be used for human consumption as well as other purposes. However waterfalls are found in different parts of the country but mostly in the forested areas at higher altitudes and can easily be accessible on a 4 wheel drive vehicles or on foot. The 6 amazing waterfalls in Rwanda include;


The falls are located in Gasabo district about 30 minutes away from Kigali city. The two tiered waterfalls overlook the amazing terraced hills and lush vegetation. It’s among the popular attractions within the area and attracts a number of tourists while on the Rwanda safari.


The falls are a very special place for tourists in Nyabarongo Mountains which are located in kinigi district in the north of Rwanda. The waters have a distinctive blue color which is caused by the presence of small amounts of minerals. The waters of the falls are so cold thus a must see while on the Rwanda safari.


The ruhondo waterfalls are situated close to the Gishwati Lake. Before one reaches the falls, you will pass through the lime-stone valley where swiftly moving water has passed away flawless rocks, leaving a delightful little fissures and swirling whirlpools. However the waters changes throughout the year from milky white to azure blue thus making it amazing. The waterfalls aren’t as high as most of the falls but are very amazing and refreshing.


The kamiranzovu falls are located in kamiranzovu swamp which is found in Nyungwe national park. Kamiranzovu is the largest wetland within Nyungwe national park and is one of the most amazing sites for tourists while on a safari. The waterfalls have two sections that is the lower part which drops at about 50 meters and makes a permanent mist down the rocks. The second section is a pool of water which reflects the greenery vegetation that lies on the big rocks and provide an amazing spot for tourists to take photos. During the rainy seasons the volumes of the water flow on the falls increases and thus making it one of the best places to be visited while on a Rwanda safari.

6 Amazing Waterfalls In Rwanda


Rusomo falls is an amazing waterfall and is one of the Nile Rivers located on river Kagera on the border between Rwanda and Tanzania. The falls served as the first welcome committee for Europeans who came in Rwanda in 1984. Despite the fact that the area had been a part of German East Africa since 1885 and no European had visited the region. The falls served as an access route for Belgians during their occupation of the nation during the World War I. The waterfall is 50 meters high which makes it very popular for both the locals and international tourists to come and visit while on a Rwanda safari. Tourists hike through a steep path to reach the falls but its worthy because of the stunning views it tends to offer.

However the falls are a source of renewable energy and a very big thanks goes to the regional Rusumo falls hydropower plant. The regional Rusumo falls hydroelectric project is a hydroelectric project managed by the government of the republic of Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania through a jointly owned Rusumo power company. The project is found at Rusumo falls next to Rwanda-Tanzania border on the kagera river whereas the power generating facilities are found on the south bank of the kagera river in Tanzania and in Rwanda the substation is located on the northern bank of the river.


This is the highest waterfall with 2,730 meters high with a flow rate of 350 cubic kilometers per hour. The average annual rainfall within the country is estimated to be 1,200 millimeters, it’s not enough to fill the lake which feeds the waterfall because the rain water reaches the higher places of the forest and can’t reach the lake due to the existence of steep slopes and dense vegetation. The air temperature varies from 5 to 28 degrees Celsius.

However depending on which time of the year you would want to travel for your Rwanda safari, you can visit most of the amazing waterfalls in Rwanda.

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